Thursday 4 October 2007

Improve Your Memory For Success

Many of us consider ourselves to have a poor memory. However this is not really true. We all have fantastic memories - far more than the most powerful computer. It's just that most of us do not know how to use it to get the most out of it. Here are a few simple tips to help improve your memory.

You must believe that you have a good memory, and have faith in it. If you believe you have a poor memory and you cannot remember anything, your mind will prove you right. When you learn better memory techniques, you will have a better memory. A person with a “better memory” is knowingly or automatically using better memory techniques.

We remember things that stand out. If a pink elephant walked past you in the supermarket, then it is highly likely that you will remember this for years to come. You probably would not remember a dog walking past you in the street an hour after it happens.

We remember things that we pay attention to. A lot of forgetting is down to people not paying attention. If someone asks you to remember to do something, briefly imagine yourself doing it. Think about when and where you will do this. The more details you attach to this, the more likely you are to remember it.

A relaxed mind helps memory. When you are trying to remember something, stay relaxed. Also keep a relaxed mind when trying to recall anything. If you are struggling to recall something, do not get frustrated. Instead forget about it for a while. Often your unconscious mind carries on looking for this information without you realizing it. The memory often pops into your head when you least expect it.

Reduce anxiety. Mild anxiety can increase interest and attention. However high anxiety can impair our attention and concentration, and may inhibit our ability to recall. That is why people sometimes ‘blank’ when sitting an exam. In this situation hypnosis and meditation can greatly help. Try listening to this free ego boost session and the free relaxation session.

Use the techniques we have just discussed to remember these principals. Read them a few times. Make sense of them. How can you use them? What situation might they help. Can you think of times when you have done the complete opposite for example got frustrated and not been able to remember anything?

Just remember (if you can!) to pay some attention to your memory. With just a little bit of effort and faith you can have a far greater memory. This can lead to greater confidence and greater success.


noreak said...

I'm sure it's more than just faith. But convinving yourself that you memory can improve sure help.

Unknown said...

Hi Jon
I agree with you that what you focus on you will get. You focus on the negatives that is what you will see.
Why bother focusing on all the things you don't want and try to focus on what is possible. The difference is ACTION whether you take action or not.
The problem is that people won't generally take responsibility for their decisions and would rather blame every man and his dog for what happens to them.
Sorry this is long winded but I'm a blonde from Aussie...bound to happen.

Jon said...

Yes that is very true - many people hold themselves back by using excuses as a 'get out clause'.

The thing with memory is that you cannot effectively enjoy the benefits of a good memory if you don't have faith in it. I know many people who have to write almost everything down. The problem here is that even if they do remember the information, they check anyway to make sure. They may as well not have remembered it as they consulted their note anyway!

This is not so problematic, but can then cause the mind to not bother to remember next time, as there is no incentive to do so. As with most things in life, the more you do it the better you get. By believing you have a poor memory almost always results in you avoiding using it, to which it will deteriorate.

I do write things down to remember occasionally, but I try to keep this down to a minimum in order to keep using my memory.

Wow that was more long winded than you Sue...must be because I am a blond from England!