Thursday 3 February 2011

Nail Biting Discount Code

As well as ruining your nails, nail biting is also unhygenic and can make you look like a real nervous nelly. Most body language experts agree that adpting confident body language helps us to actually feel and act more confidently. Therefore stopping biting your nails can actually help increase your confidence.

Our February 2011 discount code at HypnoBusters gives you a 50% discount on nail biting hypnosis.

Simply click on the following link, scroll down and click the first 'add to cart' button. Enter the code SNBSALE in the discount code box, and click 'update cart' on the right hand side of the screen. The price will then change from $9.95 to $4.95. If you have a paypal account, then click 'checkout with paypal'. If not, click 'pay with credit card'.



1 comment:

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